Esophageal Cancer Solutions - Perlove Dynamic DR


Oesophageal cancer, also known as oesophageal cancer, is a malignant tumour that occurs in the epithelial tissue of the oesophagus, accounting for 2% of all malignancies and killing approximately 220,000 people worldwide each year.



Oesophagogram is the basic test for oesophageal lesions and can detect the characteristic changes of oesophageal cancer - disruption and destruction of the oesophageal mucosa and the patient often feels impaired in swallowing. This feature is the most common in clinical practice and is typical of early oesophageal cancer. This feature is the most common in clinical practice and is typical of early stage oesophageal cancer. The accompanying features are usually filling defects in the wall, niche shadow, soft tissue mass shadow and narrowing of the oesophageal lumen; stiffness of the oesophageal wall and slow peristalsis can also be seen under fluoroscopy.


In esophagography, due to the very fast flow rate of contrast agent after swallowing barium, the dynamic DR image acquisition area is large. The Pride Multifunctional Dynamic DR 17 x 17 inch large field of view can display the entire esophagus in one exposure, making it more convenient to observe the lesions in the esophagus and determine the extent of the lesions, which is an important reference value for diagnosis and treatment.

Dynamic DR allows dynamic observation of peristaltic stiffness of the canal wall to identify benign and malignant strictures. Not only does it allow real-time high-definition spotting during fluoroscopy, realising millisecond dynamic and static image switching, rapidly capturing images of the lesion site, imaging clearly and rapidly, minimising the time that patients with functional oesophageal disorders endure pain due to swallowing difficulties, while improving the efficiency of doctors in making the correct diagnosis, it also allows real-time video images to be saved for repeated observation and analysis, clarifying the extent of the lesion and providing important Guidance.


Compared to past digital gastrointestinal machines, the high resolution of dynamic DR images provides significantly better clarity for panoramic views of the oesophagus, local mucosal disruptions, interruptions, luminal narrowing and the extent of lesions.


The clinical use of dynamic DR in oesophagography is clearer and easier to use than other examinations, and it can reveal the local and overall structural morphology of the oesophagus and reveal relevant morphological and functional changes, which is more conducive to accurate diagnosis.

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